Sunday, August 11, 2013

Letters of Franz(Francis) Reuter (Rider)

Stanley Family Documents
Letter from Francis Rider to his mother no date (about April 1, 1846)
Dearest Mother:
You wrote in your last letter I received from you, my brother, Lorenz, is three months away from home, and you don't know where he is. I would like to let you know what I found out. I received your letter April 1, 1846. After I received your letter telling me about Lorenz, I met a salesman from New York, who told me Lorenz was was in New York. He told me Lorenz sent me a letter to Claeburn, Alabama, but I have since moved. Lorenz visited me in Alabama the first time. That is all I know about Lorenz. Maybe the next time you write you'll have heard from him. I hope so with all my heart. Maybe he went back to his homeland, anyway, I hope you hear from him soon.
Your loving son,
(Note: The present-day Reuter family still living in Germany confirms that indeed, Lorenz returned to Germany, never married and died in 1877.)

Letter from Francis Rider to his mother and family. Dated 25 Dec 1847 Louisville Mississippi
Dear Mother, Brothers, Sisters, and Brothers-in-law;
I can't understand what the problems are! I haven't received a letter from you in the last twelve months. I wrote you three letters, and I received only one. I am really worried about you all. I can't understand the reason. Maybe you are all dead; or my letters didn't get to you; maybe you lost my address; or the mail got lost! I can tell you what was in the three letters, because I could not hear from you. I just want to let you know that I am fine.
I am now married seventeen months, and have a young son. He is 8 days, 6 months old. He gives my wife and me a world of pleasure. My wife is an American. Her name was Miss Earline Lewis, and we love each other very much, and we are real happy with each other. I am real happy I stole my wife away from Mr. a. Lewis. A young man by the name of Anton Bierman stole Mr. Lewis' youngest I have a German brother-in- law.
Your son,

Letter from Francis Rider to his mother and siblings dated 4 Feb 1853 Itawamba County Mississippi.
Dearest Mother, siblings and In-laws
I cannot again neglect to write you. I hope that this letter finds you all in good health. As it left us, it would make us rejoyce from the heart.
Dearest Mother, now I need to let you know, that from 1846 until now I have written 6 letters and only received one answer, which has alarmed me, since I cannot think what could be wrong. Dearest Mother, I will now write this letter to you and all from Mississippi. Fortune and misfortune from 1846 until now. On the 6th day of Aug 1846 I have married an American woman by the name of Miss Erllein Louis and in the mean time I had a store in Louisville, Winston Co. State of Mississippi, 12 miles from the place where my wife's parents live, and on the 17 of December of the same year I had the unfortunate bad luck that the store next to mine cought on fire and within a week 19 houses had gone up in flame and smoke. Even though we had a loss of 2600 dollars, we didn't lose a life and we were able to safe a few things, and everything within the hour turned into great sadness. In 1847 my wife and I planned to come to my old fatherland to visit my old mother and siblings one more time. This would produce such great happiness in this world. My wife and I stayed in Louisville until the 2 day of Christmas, when we moved to her Father's land. My courage was coming back after it had been gone so long. Now I am with my father in law and hope that he will help me to purchase a store, because he is very rich and can do that. He would be glad to help me, if I become a farmer, but not as a storekeeper. But I could not become a farmer.

The President of America asked for volunteers in the war with Mexico. I said to my wife that I have seen already a lot of things, but never been in a war. My wife told me she is not willing to let me go. I said for freedom I would go. On the 1st of april I told my wife goodbye and she stayed with her parents and I went with the company and with General Taylor to Mexico. I told my wife that I would be back in 6 months. But the 6 month became 13 month and 4 days before I came back. The first 6 months with Gen. Taylor we had only one battle so we had free time together. We have had several battles and captured 4 Forts with the names 1) Mexico, 2) Palo Alto, 3) Rexamz, 4) Monterey. When the war was over, each volunteer was given 320 acres of land an $8 a month for the wife. Here it is better as a soldier than in Germany as a General, where the kings and priests get it all and everybody else is a pig or goose sheperd and so on. On the 14 of Aug 1847 I went to the Gulf of Mexico. General Taylor came to me and said Mr. Reuter, the last weeks were hot, so today let us go and have a drink. The General asked me what kind of a soldier I was. I said, I can tell you that easily.
I was born and raised in Germany for 25 years. But God helped me and I hope that I can stay here the rest of my life. I said, Oh General, I would tell you a story about Europe. I have been in this land for 7 years now and have not paid a penny to a priest or had to have my sins forgiven. In Germany I would surely be on my way to the devils fire. I have not had to pray to Holy Mary, Barbara, John, Paul, Anthony, and may others who I have forgotten. But the priest would say that I'm heading for the devils fire. Well, said the General to me: what is this hell fire. I replied, fire is a darkness, thru which the church kept mankind in the dark. The church taught things not contained in the Bible. Now, General, I heard that in Mexico they keep the people in the dark as they do in Europe, and als have large churches. I hope, O General, that we can take Mexico, for we will pray to God and the Saints! God hears your prayers everywere, in the woods as well as in a big church. The General signed and said, here my son is a 100 dollars for you and early in the morning we go to the Gulf of Mexico. I thought to myself what was I going in Germany dealing with silver and here now I'm in the field preaching early in the morning. So did I speak to the army about the difference between Europe and America.
The whole army shouted: Toro, Toro for our liberty. Toro for our independence. Never let our liberty die. Let live as you would say in German.
Dearest Mother, I would have long ago sent you something, But since I've not heard from you, I didn't think that I could. Please write a letter to me right away, so That I can hear some news from you news about my brothers and all of my friends. Many regards to all my friends who ask about me. Regards to Eliza Schmidt. Write to me how she's doing. I know nothing else to write. Other than that we hae two children, 2 sons names Frantz and Lorentz. Lorentz is 2 years old and Frantz is 5 years old. They both bring us much joy.
I sent you my Dearest Mother, siblings and in-laws many regards and remain your dear Son. I hope, that you can understand what I have written to you, since I have written so little German in the past 12 years.

Francis Rider is Jared's great great great great grandfather (the father of Mandy Elizabeth Rider, maternal grandfather of William Fuston Stanley, Sr.)

Letters were emailed to me by Carolyn Franklin, a great great great grandaughter of Francis

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