Saturday, October 29, 2022

Family History: Learn Share and Repeat


1-Sign in to

2-View a memory

3-Add a memory with a computer or phone

4-Find a temple name on a computer or phone

5-Schedule a time to go to the temple. Complete an ordinance for a family member.


Show a friend or family member how to do steps 1-5.


Explore In Home Discoveries

Play Ancestor Games

Play Geneopardy 

Play Wheel of Family Fortune and explore the life of that ancestor

Illustrate a Memory

Make Ancestor Themed Gifts  (Ancestors Card Game or Ancestor Quote Book)

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Binding Generations with Ancestor Themed Gifts and Games

"Genealogies, family stories, historical accounts, and traditions … form a bridge between past and
future and bind generations together in ways that no other keepsake can." - Elder Neuenschwander
Ancestor Card Game- Create an “Authors” type card game using interesting facts
about your ancestors.

Family History Art Book for Kids

I wanted to share a family history story with my kids in a way that would be age appropriate for them for family night.  Often I have a lot of stories without pictures that document the event, so  I typed a line or two from our ancestor's life story on each page and then had them illustrate the pages without pictures to create an informal easy to put together "Family History Picture Book."

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Voices From the Dust

I designed these 4x6 images on PicMonkey with a compilation of quotes from our ancestor's for my dad's father's day gift this year. It made me think of this scripture in Isaiah as I read the words of inspiration and wisdom from those who have gone before me, but whose legacy and influence remains to bless my life.

And thou shalt be brought down, and shalt speak out of the ground, and thy speech shall be low out of the dust, and thy voice shall be, as of one that hath a familiar spirit, out of the ground, and thy speech shall whisper out of the dust.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Kristina Jonsson photobook

 My mother always told heard that her great grandfather Johannes Jonsson was a sailor, but another source I read actually said that Johannes Jonsson was a baker. I'm interested to know what is true. He was a good man but had an alcohol problem and Petronella finally asked him to leave. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Inexpensive Photobook with PicMonkey

 Lately I've started on a project to put make my family history photos and stories more accessible to my kids.  I started making shutterfly book a few years ago, but kept putting off finishing it because I hoped to collect more pictures and had a hard time deciding the layout.  I decided for now to make a smaller, editable version using 4x6 prints and $1 store photo books.  That way I can rearrange and add photos and stories as I collect them, but keep them organized by family lines.  Here are the potential cover pages of my project that I designed for free on picmonkey. Which style do you prefer? 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Mathis Family Highlights

James Mathis and wife Elizabeth Keenan

Elizabeth Keenan Mathis, John Fonville Mathis, William Raymon Mathis, Jack Mathis

Raymon, Myrtle, Beulah, Era Lee, Mittie Belle & John Fonville Mathis

Robert Newton Mathis